3 Ways to Avoid Renting a Disposal Bin
Yes, you read the title correctly. Indeed, we are a disposal bin rentals company and the more bins we rent, the better it is for our business. So why would we write a blog post about ways to avoid renting a disposal bin?
Of course, if you need to rent a disposal bin, we want your business. But, in addition to making a living, we’re in the disposal bin business for other reasons. You’ll see right on the homepage of our website that “we ensure that your junk is recycled, donated, or otherwise disposed of responsibly.”
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is really important to our company. The idea is that, to help protect our environment, we should first try to Reduce how much we consume, then try to Reuse whatever we have as much as possible and finally Recycle everything we can, all before deciding to dispose of anything.
When you rent a disposal bin, whether for your home or business, chances are that you’ll be throwing out a lot of things that may be reused. Yes, we recycle everything we can, but reusing is better for the environment than recycling.
But what if you just can’t see how you would reuse that old desk or closet full of clothing? “Reuse” doesn’t mean you have to do the reusing. There are many ways to get your things into the hands of others so they can use them.
Sell them
There’s always the garage sale route. But with online marketplaces like ebay and Facebook Marketplace, there are lots of ways for you to make some money while you get rid of household or business items.
Give them to friends, family, acquaintances
There’s nothing wrong with itemizing the things you want to get rid of and and passing it around to people or companies you know. Even if you don’t get rid of everything, or much of anything, whatever you get rid of doesn’t end up in landfill.
Donate them
Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore will accept many of your home and office items. Habitat for Humanity will even ‘deconstruct’ your home if you are rebuilding and reuse things like windows and doors.
So when you get all that done, and you have a pocket full of cash and the warm feelings that come from helping worthy causes, visit bin-rentals.com to schedule a disposal bin drop off for everything you have left!