Why Autumn is the Best Time for Spring Cleaning – and Renting a Junk Removal Bin
In a way, spring cleaning doesn’t make sense. You spend the fall and winter indoors. Then, when it’s time to get outside; go on road trips; visit the cottage; ride a bike; have dinner on a patio; that’s when you decide to rent a junk removal bin and clean the house?!
Of course, spring is a popular time to start fresh, throw open the windows and clean out your house, garage, and yard. But we would like to nominate fall as an even better time to do the same thing.
Why Fall is the New Spring When it Comes to Renting a Junk Removal Bin
It’s Just Like Spring
Yes, we know. While temperatures might be similar in spring and fall, it’s where they’re headed that’s important. Knowing that the days are getting warmer and longer fills us with the ‘joys’ of spring.
Still, it’s not like its -40 in the fall. With relatively mild temperatures usually into November, it gives you lots of time to organize your things, and throw what you don’t need into the junk bin.
Fall is a Natural Time of Transition
Summer vacations come to an end, children go back to school and you get serious about work again. You’ll be closing the pool, raking leaves and putting away the patio furniture. You’re already in transition mode. What better time to take it just one step further, rent a junk bin and declutter your house.
You’re Going to be Indoors for Months
This might be the best reason for doing your spring cleaning in the fall. You’ll be spending more time inside your house over the winter. Why not take the opportunity to declutter, clean and organize now and enjoy a neater more comfortable home all winter.
If you’re not convinced that fall is a better time than spring to clean and organize the house, think of it this way. Any time is a great time to declutter and make your home more enjoyable. And, if you do it now, you won’t have as much to do when next spring rolls around!
Renting a junk removal bin is probably easier than you think too. Visit bin-rentals.com to find out how.